registration under Meditation Master Listing

This is a Designation that is listed to provide Meditation’s sessions, classes, conduct Meditations Retreats and Meditation Teacher Training in an Online/In Person setting.

These Standards describe Mediation Alliance’s Requirements to be listed under Meditation Master List.

The Teacher who are listed under this category are already listed as Meditation Teacher on Mediations Alliance and completed with further perquisites as asked below,

Have registered on the Meditation Alliance as a Meditation Teacher + 2 years  passed after registration on the Meditations Alliance and conducted meditation classes as an Assistant teacher or Lead Teacher in a Workshop, a Retreat, Individual lessons, Group Lessons or a combination of these in an Online or Onsite setting.

Have undertaken all the lessons provided for continuing education.

Have rejoined one On site in Person TTC with Meditations Alliance.

Have been accessed by the Mediations Alliance for code of conduct, meditative approach, life of kindness and spirituality